Monday, 25 March 2013

EXP 1: WEEK 3 - SketchUp Videos

Animation Videos

Whilst designing and developing on my own model, these videos have inspired and assisted me in further expanding my model. Although many designs are similar to mine, it allows me to further develop my ideas to make my own model unique, as Matt said, design something that no other has designed. It was very useful watching these videos and see how professional architects use 3D animation to its advantage. These animations are useful in providing an interactive visual representation of the design with much details such as the landscape, textures, proportion and scale.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

EXP 1: WEEK 3: SketchUp Model

SketchUp Model

After much critic from classmates and Matt, I recreated my models and added textures on surfaces to represent the materials that it would be made from. 

Materials left to right:

Opaque, Metallic, Curvy

EXP 1: WEEK 3 - Textures


Based on various materials, these sections are an interpretation of the features/ properties/ quality of the material. It is then separated into 3 categories: above, ground and below to represent the different materials situation in different environments. 

Monday, 18 March 2013

EXP 1: WEEK 2 - Stairs


These abstract models are either floating above ground or under the surface. By adding a staircase that connected the model to the ground level, it allows the building become a realistic. From simple sketches and details, it can be created into a realistic staircase with the assistance of SketchUp. 

Model 1

Harmonious - Mechanic

Model 2

Mechanic - Vibrating

Monday, 11 March 2013

EXP 1: WEEK 1 - SketchUp Model

SketchUp Model

Based on the section of Harmonious - Mechanic, a 3D model can be created with SketchUp. 

3 Dimensional Model of Section




EXP 1: WEEK 1 - 18 Sketches

18 Sketches

Drawings are based on Shinya Kimura and Antonio Stradivari's work of art. 

Kimura: fast, thrilling, mechanics

Stradivari: harmonious, vibrating, music

The sketches are based on nouns, verbs and adjectives of the client

Left - 
Top: music - thrilling
Bottom:  vibrating - mechanic

Right -  
Top: harmonious - fast
Bottom:  harmonious - mechanic

Left -
Top: music - mechanic
Bottom: vibrating - thrilling

Right - 
Top: vibrating - fast
Bottom: music - fast

Left -
Top:harmonious - thrilling
Bottom: mechanic - vibrating

Right -
Top: thrilling - vibrating
Bottom: thrilling - music

Left -
Top: mechanic - harmonious
Bottom: fast - harmonious

Right - 

Top: mechanic - music
Bottom: fast - vibrating

Top: fast- music
Bottom: thrilling - harmonious